Declutter Challenge Day 6 & 7

Day six was to cleanup archives and day seven was taking a break.

Love the taking a break day. Been working so hard to get the rest of our house back in order the sewing room doesn't seem so bad. Now the truth - My 15 year old grandson was working on a quilt earlier in the year and he got up and said "I'm sorry Grandma, I just can't work in this mess." I cleaned a nice space for him before he came the next time and he completed his piece.

I went through my computer files and organized the quilting photos and finished up this years taxes. I came across some of his quilts while working on archives. He started sitting on my knee sewing beanbags when he was little and made a beautiful pet portrait last year for some friends. He creates something about once year. Below is his first confetti and collage quilt he made himself. He even drew the pattern sitting in the window watching the birds at our feeder.

Dog in progress
Pet Portrait

Declutter Challenge Day 8 & 9


Declutter Challenge Day 4 and 5