Declutter Challenge Day 4 and 5
I admit I am bailing on the books. Last year I got my books down to two shelves which include my art drawing books and that unit is not in my sewing space. I thought about our other books - 6 bookcases with children's books, 1 six ft to floor shelf of mostly history, another mostly music, and a 14 by 8 unit a friend built for my husband's records and books. Then of course I have a four shelf case in my bedroom with all of my favorite poets. Instead I worked from 9-2 replanting the garden and putting all the edge bricks back from the sewer dig. The floorers helped us move the piano back in place so we didn't damage the floors. We spent the rest of the day moving everything out of the kitchen so we could finally eat there. Was so tired we went out to eat anyway. Laundry room and backroom perfect - kitchen almost. Just sitting down and realized I'd never even opened my sewing room door today. 1st time for that.
Oh, l did find some books I could part with, cookbooks in the kitchen.
Day 5 patterns -I draw my own paterens for my quilts and got them corralled last year so I worked on putting everything back in rhe art cabinet. My husband anchored it to the wall and I sat on the new floor sorting and pruging. There were two large boxes of extra stuff before that wouldnt fit. Got it all organized and in the closet. Only one squatter there -the blue view finder. Not sure where the discs and other one is. We got stuff off to Good Will, the mound of cardboard on the back poarch to the recycle center, and suitcases in the car to donate to foster kids. Cats had fun stealing all my art supplies and seem to be enjoying their new space, Didn’t sew today but revamped my commission pattern so I can start on it in the morning. Kitties worn out from all that play.