Declutter Challenge Complete

The declutter challenge is complete. I managed to get all the batiks on comic boards and then sorted the smaller pieces into three drawers. Any smaller than two inches went in my confetti drawers. I’ve managed to cut up a lot of the confetti, but this will probably take another week. I’ve spent 2 extra days refolding and reshelving my fabics. I ended up having to redo all the brown and beige on short boards so I had more room for the blues and greens. Worked on folding beginning at 5:30 am because I couldn’t sleep. Listened to free library books online as I worked. Just have to finish refolding the fabric that is not on boards. It would be easier if there were not holes in the fabric where I’ve cut out patches of color. I did sweep the studio today and reorganize. I have one small pile left for good will. Tomorrow I will mess it all up again as I work on my trail of tears quilt.

My folded fabrics, removable curtain to protect fabric.

Frames and sorted batik above our records. This area is for my confetti scraps.


New Works Started


Just Get It Done Declutter Challenge —Day 19 & 20